Join Us To Engage, Inspire and Educate The Next Generation of Cyber Professionals

The Challenge

The United States has 750,000 open positions in cybersecurity due to a lack of qualified talent and a lack of awareness of opportunities in the industry. At the same time, employers have made the path to entry level jobs a challenge. Simply put, traditional methods of recruiting and onboarding the next generation are failing to close the talent gap.

  • The available workforce in cyber needs to double. That means we need to engage middle school, high school and college students like never before.

  • Students tell us it’s too difficult to find a pathway into the career field. We’re working with industry and government to share best practices in recruiting and onboarding “new collar talent”

  • The GCC crosses verticals and competitors to bring the industry together. We all have a vested interest in developing the next generation of cyber enthusiasts!


To inspire a diverse and inclusive nationwide talent pool to prepare for careers in cybersecurity, and build a bridge between that talent and the growing needs of industry, academia, and government

Annual Supporters